1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 |
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5 |
SELECT city_id,title,slug FROM default_city WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id='4' and region_id='14' and city_id<>'' and city_id IN (SELECT city_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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6 |
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7 |
SELECT city_id,title,slug FROM default_city WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id='4' and region_id='5' and city_id<>'' and city_id IN (SELECT city_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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8 |
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9 |
SELECT city_id,title,slug FROM default_city WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id='4' and region_id='6' and city_id<>'' and city_id IN (SELECT city_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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10 |
SELECT distinct country_id FROM default_region where region_id=7 LIMIT 0,1 |
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11 |
SELECT city_id,title,slug FROM default_city WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id='4' and region_id='7' and city_id<>'' and city_id IN (SELECT city_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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12 |
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13 |
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14 |
SELECT country_id,title,slug FROM default_country WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id<>4 and continent_id='4' and country_id IN (SELECT country_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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15 |
SELECT country_id,title,slug FROM default_country WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id<>4 and continent_id='5' and country_id IN (SELECT country_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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16 |
SELECT country_id,title,slug FROM default_country WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id<>4 and continent_id='6' and country_id IN (SELECT country_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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17 |
SELECT country_id,title,slug FROM default_country WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id<>4 and continent_id='7' and country_id IN (SELECT country_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE is_trash=0) order by order_no ASC |
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18 |
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19 |
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20 |
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21 |
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7.8916549682617E-5 |
22 |
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23 |
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24 |
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25 |
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26 |
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27 |
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28 |
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6.5803527832031E-5 |
29 |
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30 |
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31 |
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32 |
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33 |
SELECT tourcat_id,title FROM default_tour_category WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 order by order_no asc |
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34 |
SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id in (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='626') |
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35 |
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36 |
SELECT max(number_day) as max,min(number_day) as min FROM default_tour WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 |
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37 |
SELECT max(min_price) as max,min(min_price) as min FROM default_tour WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 |
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38 |
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39 |
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40 |
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41 |
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42 |
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43 |
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44 |
SELECT distinct list_feature_package_id FROM default_package where package_id=2 LIMIT 0,1 |
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45 |
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46 |
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47 |
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48 |
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49 |
SELECT feature_package_id FROM default_featurepackage WHERE mod_page='member' and act_page='default' and type='default' and type_page='' order by order_no ASC limit 0,1 |
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50 |
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6.103515625E-5 |
51 |
SELECT slug FROM default_servicecat WHERE servicecat_id='10' |
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52 |
SELECT title FROM default_servicecat WHERE servicecat_id='10' |
5.3882598876953E-5 |
53 |
SELECT title FROM default_servicecat WHERE servicecat_id='10' |
3.0994415283203E-6 |
54 |
SELECT title FROM default_country WHERE country_id='4' |
9.608268737793E-5 |
55 |
SELECT title FROM default_country WHERE country_id='4' |
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56 |
SELECT distinct country_id FROM default_region where region_id=14 LIMIT 0,1 |
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57 |
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58 |
SELECT title FROM default_region WHERE region_id='14' |
4.7922134399414E-5 |
59 |
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60 |
SELECT distinct country_id FROM default_region where region_id=5 LIMIT 0,1 |
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61 |
SELECT city_id,title,slug,country_id FROM default_city WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id='4' and region_id='5' and city_id<>'626' order by order_no ASC |
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62 |
SELECT title FROM default_region WHERE region_id='5' |
8.5115432739258E-5 |
63 |
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64 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='915') |
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65 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='914') |
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66 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='913') |
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67 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='912') |
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68 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='804') |
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69 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='895') |
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70 |
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71 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='699') |
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72 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='760') |
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73 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='698') |
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74 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='684') |
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75 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='759') |
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76 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='685') |
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77 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='683') |
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78 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='682') |
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79 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='758') |
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80 |
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81 |
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82 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='700') |
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83 |
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84 |
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85 |
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86 |
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87 |
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88 |
SELECT title FROM default_region WHERE region_id='6' |
9.1075897216797E-5 |
89 |
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90 |
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91 |
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92 |
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93 |
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94 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='805') |
0.00021505355834961 |
95 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='802') |
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96 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='697') |
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97 |
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98 |
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99 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='690') |
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100 |
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101 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='659') |
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102 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='654') |
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103 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='678') |
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104 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='653') |
0.00020790100097656 |
105 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='686') |
0.00019598007202148 |
106 |
SELECT distinct country_id FROM default_region where region_id=7 LIMIT 0,1 |
8.9168548583984E-5 |
107 |
SELECT city_id,title,slug,country_id FROM default_city WHERE lang_id='vn' and is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and country_id='4' and region_id='7' and city_id<>'626' order by order_no ASC |
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108 |
SELECT title FROM default_region WHERE region_id='7' |
0.00027203559875488 |
109 |
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110 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='911') |
0.00020599365234375 |
111 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='910') |
0.00020408630371094 |
112 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='909') |
0.00019598007202148 |
113 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='908') |
0.00019621849060059 |
114 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='907') |
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115 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='903') |
0.00019717216491699 |
116 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='803') |
0.00019001960754395 |
117 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='801') |
0.0001981258392334 |
118 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='764') |
0.00019097328186035 |
119 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='765') |
0.00019001960754395 |
120 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='763') |
0.00024700164794922 |
121 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='762') |
0.00023794174194336 |
122 |
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalitem FROM default_tour WHERE is_trash=0 and is_online=1 and tour_id IN (SELECT tour_id FROM default_tour_destination WHERE country_id='4' and city_id='677') |
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123 |
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137 |
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138 |
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139 |
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